Вы уже знаете, как употреблять местоимения some, whatsoever, no и их производные (основные правила). В этом уроке мы познакомимся еще с некоторыми производными от этих местоимений: somewhere, anywhere, nowhere, а также c местоимением everywhere, которое является производным от местоимения every. Большое количество упражнений для тренировки поможет закрепить тему. Изучите таблицу.

Some, any, no и их производные: somebody, something, somewhere, somehow … . (уровень intermediate)

Итак, вот новые производные, которые употребляются аналогично местоимениям some, any, no:

  1. somewhere – где-то;
  2. anywhere – где-нибудь;
  3. nowhere – нигде.


  1. He lives somewhere most Chicago.
  2. I tin can't find the book anywhere.
  3. He has no habitation, he lives nowhere.

Также запомните новые производные от местоименияevery – каждый:

  1. everybody – все;
  2. everything – всё;
  3. everywhere – везде

Далее выполните упражнения на местоимения some, any, no, something (annihilation, zippo), somebody (anybody/ nobody), somewhere (anywhere/ nowhere), everybody (everything/ everywhere).

Упражнения на местоимения some, any, no, something (anything, nothing), somebody (anybody/ nobody), somewhere (anywhere/ nowhere), everybody (everything/ everywhere).

Some, any, no и их производные. Упражнения  (уровень 2 — intermediate)

Упражнение (на повторение). Вставьте местоимения some, any ,no, somebody, anybody, nobody, something, anything, nothing по смыслу.

1. I have ______ to tell you.
ii. He never puts ______ saccharide in his tea.
3. I must find______ for y'all to play badminton with.
4. There's______ in my soup. It's a mosquito.
5. Allow'due south have______ to drink. How about juice?
half dozen. No, cheers. I'm non thirsty. I don't want ______.
7. There's______ at the door. I heard the doorbell ring.
viii. Remember not to tell______ about him. Information technology's a secret.
9. Isn't there______ more interesting to wait at?
ten. I'chiliad thirsty. Can I have______ common cold water? (просьба!)
11. I opened the door, but I could see______.
12. Susan seldom says______.
13. Stop sitting in that location doing______ and assist me.
xiv. ______ tin can speak all the languages in the world.
xv. Nosotros didn't have______ milk for our kitten so I went out to buy it.

Запомните антонимы:

  1. nobody (никто) – everybody (все)
  2. nothing (ничего) – everything (всё)
  3. nowhere (нигде) – everywhere (везде)

При этом everything и everybody употребляются с глаголом в ед. числе.


  1.     Everything is ready. — Всё готово.
  2.     Everybody is ready. — Все готовы.

* * *

Упражнение 1. Вставьте something (anything, zilch) или somebody (anybody/ nobody)или everybody (everything/ everywhere) по смыслу.

  1. I am agape he knows _____ about information technology.
  2. Is there______in the basket? — No, it's empty.
  3. I've prepared______for dinner which you'll like very much.
  4. I know ____ who can help yous.
  5. Is there_____ hither who tin can speak Japanese?
  6. There was ____ in the room. It was dark.
  7. The room was full. _____ was present at the meeting.
  8. Her student has an excellent memory. She remembers ___________ .

* * *

Упражнение two. Вставьте something (anything, zippo) или somebody (everyone/ nobody) или everybody (everything/ everywhere) по смыслу.

  1. I want to tell you____.
  2. My hubby can't teach his son _________.
  3. My husband taught his son __________ he knows.
  4. We tin starting time.   ____ was prepare for the party.
  5. At that place is __________ in the room, I heard voices.
  6. There is __________ in the room, it was empty.
  7. I can't find my book. I looked for it _________.
  8. I read all the text but can't understand ________.
  9. ____ came and the party began.
  10. Can_____ translate these sentences?

* * *

 Упражнение three. Вставьте some, any, no или  something (anything, nothing) или somebody (everyone/ nobody) или somewhere (anywhere/ nowhere) или  everybody (everything/ everywhere).

  1. He has got _________ coin. He can't spend his holidays abroad any more than.
  2. The student didn't understand ________, because he heard_______
  3. I need to buy a lot of things. There isn't _______    time to waste.
  4. Is in that location _______in the role?
  5. There is ______white in the box. What is it?
  6. Would you lot like ________juice?
  7. Life is non like shooting fish in a barrel. ________has problems.
  8. I understand _______now. Thank you for your explanation.
  9. Do you alive … near Hyde Park?
  10. ____came and he felt solitary.

* * *

Упражнение 4. Вставьте some, any, no или их производные по смыслу.

  1. Tin I have _________milk in my tea?
  2. Can I accept _________ to drink?
  3. Are there ____chess players here?
  4. Is at that place _________ who tin play chess hither?
  5. I saw _______ near the wood that looked like a tent.
  6. ________ left a textbook in our classroom yesterday.
  7. I am not a perfectionist. ____________is perfect in this world.
  8. Where are you going? – I am not going _____
  9. It so happened that he had _________to get.
  10. Nosotros've got __________to consume, we've got only ___________ to drink.
  11. At that place were _________of my friends there.
  12. I am sure … has taken your bag.
  13. The sometime human had _____ to assistance him.
  14. The patient has a bad retentivity. She can't remember ___________.
  15. He has got ______money. He eats only fast food.
  16. Do yous live ________near Jim?

Об остальных случаях употребления местоимений Some, Whatever, No вы узнаете на уровне 3 – <astyle=»color: #008080;» href=»https://englishinn.ru/grammatika-angliyskogo-yazyika-po-urovnyam#3″>Английская грамматика (для совершенствующихся – English Grammar for Advanced Level)

На уровне intermediate давайте еще запомним, что в утвердительных предложениях местоимения any тоже употребляется, но в значении: любой (ая).


  • Do you take any English volume? — У тебя есть какая-нибудь английская книга?
  • Give my whatever English volume. — Дай мне любую английскую книгу.

* * *

Упражнение 5. Переведите предложения с any (anything, everyone). В каких предложениях whatever переводится «любой» (что-угодно, кто-угодно)?

  1. I can't see any difference.
  2. You can find him any time betwixt 6 and 9 o'clock.
  3. Is there any paper on your table?
  4. He will do annihilation to help yous.
  5. He hasn't taken annihilation.
  6. Is in that location anybody hither?
  7. Anybody can practice it.

* * *

Упражнение half dozen. Переведите на английский язык.

i.Дайте мне хлеба. two. Хотите кофе? 3. У вас есть какие-нибудь интересные английские книги? 4. Любой студент знает это. v. Возьмите любую книгу, которая вам нравится. 6. Приходите в любое время (которое вас устраивает). 7. В холодильнике есть еда. Вы хотите что-нибудь поесть? 8. В кувшине есть молоко. Будете пить молоко?

* * *

Упражнение seven. Переведите на английский язык.

1.У меня нет чая, но есть кофе. ii. У нас здесь нет рек, но есть несколько озер. 3. Есть ли какая-нибудь разница между ними? 4. Я не вижу никакой разницы. 5. Думаю, разницы нет. 6. Никто из вас не знает, как много он работал в молодости.


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